Lemonbug Instagram Stickers

We are so excited to announce that Lemonbug has its own set of Instagram stickers! They are so easy to find and use.

Here's just a sampling of some of the stickers we've got on Instagram:

If you're familiar with Instagram stories, search the tag lemonbug or shoplemonbug to find our stickers.

If you have no idea what we're talking about, we've got your back! Here's how to find our Instagram stickers set:

Step 1: Open up the Instagram app on your phone

Step 2: Click on the "your story" button at the top left of that screen and something like this should pop up:

Step 3: Click on the little sticker button at the top right-ish of the screen (highlighted in the image below):

Step 4: This will pop up:

Step 5: Type "lemonbug" or "shoplemonbug" in the search bar, it will load our stickers:

Step 6: Choose which sticker you want to use and drag it to where you want it to be placed! Then share your story!



zGkMdImvAQcOxuq November 06, 2019


oDuJzhOw November 06, 2019


YXNverqShOiHCpTu November 01, 2019


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EnilOuIdg November 01, 2019


kXsoSYjbPfHK November 01, 2019

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